Supporting youth mental health in Aotearoa New Zealand
Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences Research Development Seeding Grant 2023, $49,280 Team: Professor Melody Smith, Professor Terryann Clark, Dr Jude Ball, Professor Roshini Peiris-John, Dr Esther Yao
Understanding the impacts of the play specialist in paediatric acute care
DHSc student: Nicky Woollaston Supervisors: Dr Kim Ward, Professor Melody Smith
Ngā piki me ngā heke: Evidence-based mental health prevention strategies for rangatahi Māori to negotiate life’s ups and downs
Team: Professor Terryann Clark, Dr Esther Yao, Nikki Harrison, Dr Isla Emery-Whittington, Cinnamon Lindsay Latimer, Larissa Renfrew, Dr Logan Hamley
Potential harms associated with universal school-based mental health programmes for adolescents
Team: Dr Esther Yao, Sujean In, Associate Professor Terry Fleming, Associate Professor Sarah Hetrick, Dr Hiran Thabrew, Professor Terryann Clark
Working quantitatively with ethnicity data: Implications of methodological decisions on equity and social justice
Team: Dr Esther Yao, Associate Professor Kane Meissel, Associate Professor Polly Atatoa Carr, Dr Pat Bullen, Associate Professor Roshini Peiris-John, Dr Sam Manuela, Professor Terryann Clark
Discovering, Reclaiming, and Reimagining Maori Nursing Realities Through Mana Wahine Theory
PhD student: Coral Wiapo
Development and validation of an Adolescent and Child Physical Activity Questionnaire with an identity focus
Team: Associate Professor Geoff Kira, Dr Oliver Wilson, Dr Lara Andrews, Professor Justin Richards, Professor Melody Smith This VUW Faculty Strategic Research Project ($92,507) comprises the Aotearoa New Zealand arm of an international initiative to improve physical...
Green space equity and youth wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand
Team: Professor Melody Smith, Professor Sandra Mandic, Dr Jinfeng Zhao, Dr Yijun Zhang, Ailsa Wilson, Dr Hayley McGlashan-Fainu.
Investigating the effects of a multilevel public transport and active travel intervention on children’s and their families’ travel mode choices (CHIFAM TRAVEL)
Professor Melody Smith is an international advisor for this Academy Research Fellow grant for Dr Tiina Rinne (Tampere University), made by the Finnish Research Council (€628,183):
Understanding the Health Communication Needs of Children of South East Asian Migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand
PhD student: Jutarat Kongpet Supervisors: Associate Professor Michelle Honey, Professor Melody Smith, Associate Professor Victoria Egli